The VAN Podcast is a podcast series from Visual Artists Ireland.
Published every two months, The VAN Podcast comprises online conversations, recorded remotely, with various contributors to each issue of The Visual Artists’ News Sheet. This gives opportunities to discuss some of the ideas arising from published texts, while also offering insights into wider practice.
Episode 2 features interviews with Kiera O’Toole, as well as Jane Morrow and Moran Been-noon, who each contributed to the January-February 2021 issue of VAN.
Kiera O’Toole is a Sligo-based artist, a PhD candidate at Loughborough University, and cofounder of Drawing deCentred – an artist-led collective that explores contemporary drawing practice in Ireland. Her recent profile for VAN focuses on NINE – a new collective of 8 women artists, formed during lockdown.
Jane Morrow is an independent visual art curator and researcher based in Belfast, whose ongoing PhD research examines the precarity of artists’ studios and workspaces. Moran Been-noon is an Israeli, Dublin-based curator, artist and writer, who is currently Curator-in-Residence at glór in Ennis. In 2020, Jane and Moran established the Angelica Network, which was profiled in the January-February issue of VAN.
These podcast interviews are also available on Soundcloud, the Visual Artists News Sheet Online and in the Members Area of the VAI website.
About VAN:
The Visual Artists’ News Sheet (VAN) is the primary all-Ireland information resource for visual artists presenting case study articles on all aspects of the lives of professional artists, alongside features offering critical reflection and analysis of relevant aspects of the art world in Ireland and internationally. The Visual Artists’ News Sheet reports and reflects upon the broadest possible range of issues relevant to Irish visual artists across Ireland. The Visual Artists’ News Sheet is also committed to giving coverage to the diversity of contemporary Irish visual arts practice in terms of media, generation and geography. The Visual Artists’ News Sheet’s inclusive remit encompasses artists working in traditional and contemporary modes; established and emerging artists; artists who are based throughout the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. visualartistsireland.com