The Visual Artists’ News Sheet – November – December 2024
Special Issue: Sustaining Your Practice
The Nov/Dec 2024 special issue of The Visual Artists’ News Sheet has been directly informed by an open call for members’ questions we ran during the summer. VAI Members were invited to submit their questions for curators, gallerists, directors, critics, policymakers, funders, or fellow artists, which we subsequently posed to relevant arts professionals across the sector, whose responses are published in this issue as a series of specialist columns, interviews, policy updates, and case studies.
During our VAN Nov/Dec editorial meeting, a VAI staff member described this issue as “taking the pulse of the sector”, given its timely reflection of artists’ concerns across a broad range of subjects, loosely categorised across themes of access, infrastructure, funding, exhibitions, and ecological concerns.
Such was the demand from artists for information on securing exhibitions, that we have devoted a whole section to this inquiry. This is also one of the most common queries received through the VAI Helpdesk. We consulted with curators and directors across a range of different institutions and have assembled their top tips in an extended feature article: How Can I Get an Exhibition?
Another recurrent question from members relates to funding strands available for artists wishing to develop projects in Ireland, Northern Ireland, and internationally. In response, In Focus: Funding Case Studies offers examples of projects variously funded by the Arts Council of Ireland, Local Authorities, Culture Ireland, Arts Council Northern Ireland, and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media’s Decade of Centenaries programme.
On The Cover
Oisín Byrne, ‘smell the book’, installation view, Mount Stuart, Isle of Bute, Scotland, August 2024; photograph by Keith Hunter, courtesy of the artist and Mount Stuart.
- Residency Roundup: Where Can I Find a Residency in Ireland?
- Can You Advise on Establishing Communal Studios?
- How Can Buildings Be Secured for Arts Organisations in Northern Ireland?
Art Work
- How Can I Prevent Burn-out As An Artist?
- How Can Irish Artists Pursue Opportunities Abroad?
- How Can the Irish Diaspora Participate in the Irish Art Scene?
In Focus: Funding Case Studies
What Kind of Funding Exists for Artist-led Projects?
- Fiona Whelan and John Conway, Arts Council and 221+ Patient Support
- LennonTaylor, Local Authority
- Anthony Haughey, Decade of Centenaries
- Vivienne Griffin, Culture Ireland
- Frank Sweeney, Arts Council of Ireland: Project Award
- Sharon Kelly, ACNI SIAP: Major Individual Award
- Emily Waszak, Bodies, Jomon time, 2021-23, installation view
- Debbie Godsell at The Source Arts Centre
- Alice Maher and Rachel Fallon at Irish Arts Center
- Dermot Seymour at Kevin Kavanagh
- ‘Thresholds to the Unseen’ at Solstice Arts Centre
- Liane Lang at Butler Gallery
- How Can I Get An Exhibition?
Top Tips from the Sector
- What Are My Options for Greener Art Materials?
Sally O’Dowd, Making Charcoal from Ash Dieback
Materials Matter, Recipes for Sustainable Art Materials
- Where Can I Find Art and Ecology Resources?
Deirdre O’Mahony, Feeder Bibliography
VAI Resources to Support a Greener Approach
VAI News
- Are Organisations Offering Artists Fair and Competitive Rates for Their Work?
Update on Payment Guidelines for Artists
Call to Action: Artist’s Resale Rights
- Where Can I Find Professional Development Resources?
VAI Webinar Recordings Archive
- Where Can I Find Professional Development Supports?
Explained: VAI How To Manual
Belfast Peer Support Programme
Last Pages
- VAI Lifelong Learning. Upcoming VAI helpdesks, cafés, and webinars.
- VAI Get Together 2024. Programme Details and Booking Information.